Thursday, September 3, 2009


Here is a drawing I did as sort of a test for a comic project I am still formulating. It's a depiction of a man stranded on a strange planet - hence the spacesuit - coming across something buried under the ground. I did some quick greyscale shading in Photoshop to see if it made the image more dynamic but I've decided the next pass will take be from a more dramatic vantage point.

1 comment:

John Frochaux said...

Woah! Always great Mr. Applegren.
I'm a long time fan of your work, pretty much since the early 90's. I still have, and treasure, most of the Lookout! mail-order catalogues.
There's an incredible charm to your work that I can't put my finger on. Its probably better that way.

I'm also an illustrator, you can check me out at
